Tryouts will be held on July 9th at the VSU Campus Recreation Center (1300 Sustella Ave., Valdosta, GA).

The cost is $40. You can purchase it under our “SHOP” page or bring cash the day of.

Players are encouraged to not wear school apparel to tryouts. We see club ball as separate entities. Players should be evaluated objectively. 

July 9th:

14 & Under: 3:45 pm-5:45 pm
15’s-18’s: 6:00 pm-8:00 pm

Tryout Instructions

Step 1: Complete Fission Volleyball Club Tryout Registration

Step 2: Complete SRVA Registration

Every potential player MUST register/purchase an SRVA/USAV membership prior to tryouts in order to participate. If you have one for the 2022-2023 season, then you do not need to re-purchase till a later date. (https://www.srva.org/page/show/6577561-new-member-instructions)

Step 3: Bring Important Documents to Tryouts

A completed USAV Medical Waiver

A printed copy of your SRVA membership card that is emailed once you complete step 2


A serious & methodical evaluation of a player’s talents & level of volleyball skill. Using our ball machines, we create consistent reps to equally evaluate each player the same. This evaluation will cover all aspects of the volleyball player, both mental & physical.

Makeup tryouts will be posted according to the needs of the teams.

SRVA Tryout Policy: https://cdn1.sportngin.com/attachments/document/9963-2760409/2023_tryout_policy.pdf?_gl=1*1oayzpa*_ga*OTI2NDk5MzQzLjE2ODEwODU2ODE.*_ga_PQ25JN9PJ8*MTY4MTA4NTY4MC4xLjEuMTY4MTA4NTgyMi4wLjAuMA..#_ga=2.128290254.37080935.1681085681-926499343.1681085681